Среда, 23 октября, 2024

Bridgestone at the 2016 Paris Motor Show



The world’s largest manufacturer of tires and rubber products returns to Paris with an urgent request for innovation and invites everyone to visit the exhibition to see for themselves their qualities.

The 360 square meter booth (Bridgestone Hall 1, Stand 202) showcases the latest developments from the Bridgestone and Firestone brands in Europe. Innovations include 4 new tire models, 3 of which will be presented for the first time, as well as the latest developments in road safety technology and many unforgettable experiences for visitors to the booth.

Introducing the New Bridgestone Tires

The star of the show will undoubtedly be the new Bridgestone DriveGuard, a tire that you will continue to ride with even after a flat tire. To find out why DriveGuard is a game-changer in the industry, take a unique on-site test drive or experience the incredible performance of tires with our VR system.

The Bridgestone Dueler A/T 001 will also debut in Paris, a new durable all-season all-terrain tire that offers good off-road traction but doesn’t disappoint on the road.

Another Bridgestone innovation, Contact Area Information Sensing (CAIS), which provides sensory information about the tire’s contact surface, will be demonstrated on the Blizzak LM001 winter tire. CAIS alerts drivers to road conditions and shows how Bridgestone is supporting technological developments not only in tires, but also in road safety systems.

It is unlikely that you will miss the new Aston Martin DB11, presented at the booth with 20-inch Potenza S007 sports tires. Bridgestone was recently announced as the exclusive supplier of the DB 11 tires.

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Promising offers from Firestone

Paris welcomes the new Firestone Roadhawk, a rugged tire designed to provide durability and safety in a wide range of conditions, as well as the peace of mind that regular Class A drivers need for wet grip in the EU labeling system.

Tires for professional vans Firestone Vanhawk 2 will also be presented for the first time in Paris. They offer the stable, steady performance that won so many fans of the original Vanhawk, but with even better wet performance and improved fuel economy.

For the entertainment of visitors, Firestone invites everyone to join the Firestone Music Tour, which sponsors the hottest summer music festivals in Europe, as well as test their voices in the Firestone Car-aoke with their favorite songs to listen to in the car.

Read also:

Tire recommendations >>>

Tubeless tire — repair >>>

Preparing your car for winter >>>


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